Bernie Sanders

Guys I don't know quite what you want me to do with this.  I need you to email me at with your responses on exactly you want me to do.

 Here is the response I got back in the last election cycle.  I sent out another email.  Hopefully I will receive a different response from him:

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your story with us. You are an inspiring person who has accomplished a great deal. Unfortunately, we cannot give you the answers that you want because we do not make policy. If you want to learn more about the Senator's view on issues you can check out If you have an specific questions you can reach out to the senate website at:

Thank you and take care.

I have emailed the campaign sites for the republican presidential candidates at the campaign websites and have heard back from three.  As far as Hillary Clinton goes, I have searched and she doesn't have an email listed for her.  If any of you guys know of an email I could send the letter to, send me the email.

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